
The design-build method has become a very popular choice for new construction projects due to its efficiency. By having one design-build entity as opposed to a designer and a contractor working independently from one another, the owner of the project has only one point of contact, and it is the responsibility of the design-build team to work together to produce unified recommendations and solutions rather than placing blame on one another for cost overruns, delays, etc. Here are some of the benefits that the design-build method can give you!


With one design-build team to lead the project, the team and the owner have the same goal in mind- to produce and complete a successful project that meets or exceeds the owners expectations. By getting rid of a contractor and a designer working independently from each other, when the project encounters challenges there is no finger-pointing and blaming, but rather a unified team effort to solve problems and get back on track. 


Designers, contractors, sub-contractors and other people involved in a project have the option to leave a project once they feel they have finished their duties and received compensation, but many times their services are needed further along in the project when things don’t go according to plan. With a design-build team, everyone is involved in the project from start to finish. This method inherently increases efficiency and helps to diminish the likelihood of job details and processes going overlooked. 

Owner Involvement

The design-build method takes advantage of an owner that is a willing and active participant in the design and construction of their building. By being included in the process and continuously offering insight and guidance, the owner can be confident that their expectations will be met in a timely and cost effective fashion. Once the project is completed, the owner will have a lasting sense of pride in their building knowing they contributed!


The name says it all- design and build. This method encompasses experts in both the design and construction aspects of a new build. Formal architectural training and experience in the architectural field as well as professional experience in construction including pricing and execution all come together as one. Architectures that think like builders and vice versa creates a huge advantage throughout the build process, leaving owners and workers alike satisfied with the final product!