
Like any new Ottawa project large or small, a lot of planning is needed before it can even begin to take shape. A weak plan can lead to poor execution and cause more problems down the road, especially when talking about a design plan for a new build. Taking the time to come up with a solid design build plan isn’t always easy, but will surely make the building process a lot smoother. Here are a few benefits of having a thorough design build plan created before starting your next project.


Having the design and the build created and executed together under the same company is a huge advantage to the effectiveness of the project. Not only does it make communication more direct between us and our clients, but it results in less time and money being wasted dealing with separate consultants and contractors. When problems come up during the build, as they always do, no one points the finger or takes the blame. Instead, both sides work together to come up with the right solutions. The end goal is to complete a successful project that meets or exceeds the client’s expectations while saving them time and money.


When a company is involved in a project from start to finish, a certain level of efficiency is expected. Working together side-by-side the whole time really reduces the chances of small details going overlooked, unforced errors occuring, and poor logistical execution taking place. 

Expertise & Guidance

At Argue Construction,  we are confident in being able to execute the goals of the client, and help create or fine-tune the goals that may not be fully envisioned. Design and construction do not have to be chaotic or messy. Our professional experience in construction and understanding pricing, sequencing, and how the build comes together will give you the confidence in us as trusted advisors throughout the whole project. 

Owner Involvement

Maybe the best part about working with a design build team is the amount of active participation you, the client, will have with our team! By being involved in the process, clients can feel confident that their needs will be met, goals achieved, completed on time and within the budget. The end result is our clients having a lasting sense of pride in their building.

At Argue Construction, we can help you put together an effective design build plan for your Ottawa project. Contact us to find out more!